Our Story
Where did it all start?
Jett's Lawn Care Mackay is a mowing and landscaping company located in the city of Mackay, Queensland, Australia, established in 2019 by the high school teenager "Jett Turpin", the company has grown so big, Jett has had to hire people to help him out.
Jett's company may be big now but it never started out big, Jett established the company back in December of 2019 but it didn't start to take off until about June 2020, Jett started off with a normal push mower, whipper snipper and blower while his parents drove him to his destinations, it wasn't until January 2021 that Jett decided it was time to up the game and buy bigger equipment, Jett decided to buy a trailer, bigger push mower, a ride on, bigger whipper snipper and a better blower, Jett knew it was a lot of money but all the work he was getting then he didn't worry about loosing the money because he made it all back pretty quickly.
Jett soon realized that he couldn't take on all this work by himself especially with his school work, so he hired his dad to work for him while he was at school, that's not the problem solved though, Jett's dad worked out in the mines so he was only home once a week to do his work so he had to bring some work back and limit the yards to 1-2 a day during the school week, he decided he would hire his mate to help him out during the school weeks after school when his dad was at work.
Since then Jett has continued to hire his dad and his mate to help out when work gets busy but has now hired them full time, Jett is now planning to upgrade to bigger equipment over the next few months like a bigger ride and a bigger trailer.
The moral of the story is, you don't have to have much to start your own business or make some money, don't take the big risk getting business loans and going broke unless you are 100% sure it is going to work out or you have something backing you when times get tough, start out small then grow big like Jett, it takes a lot of effort and time but you will get there in the end, anyone can have there own business/company you just have to put effort in and know what your doing.